Pro Bono

As a member of the legal community, we understand that we have a special responsibility to use the skills of our lawyers and staff to provide access to justice for those who could not otherwise afford it.


We take a holistic approach to giving back to our communities by integrating our pro bono legal services, charitable giving programs, community service activities, and sustainability initiatives. Our programs follow our guideposts of Compassion, Action, and Impact: we care about our communities and our planet, so we take action to preserve and improve them. Our goal is to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.

Swords to Plowshares

Start with compassion.



Swords to Plowshares is one of the few organizations in the country that provides free legal consultation and attorney representation to veterans seeking assistance with Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits and military discharge upgrade cases. The legal process for military veterans seeking VA benefits can be complex and confusing to those without legal expertise. Each year, Swords to Plowshares helps hundreds of veterans access their benefits, but thousands more still need help.


Take action.


Shireen Wetmore, a Labor & Employment Associate from Seyfarth’s San Francisco office, has been a passionate supporter of Swords to Plowshares for many years. In 2018, Shireen led an effort to forge a pro bono partnership with the organization to address a specialized and growing portfolio of VA benefits and military discharge upgrade cases based on Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Instead of allocating pro bono resources to individual matters, Shireen and Seyfarth took a more systemic approach. After extensive training on key dynamics of MST, Seyfarth volunteers began reviewing case file chronologies for veterans during one-day clinics. During the first clinic, Seyfarth volunteers combed through thousands of pages of documentation and provided recommendations on several MST cases. Over time, the firm has developed an expertise around MST, and participating attorneys are capable of providing advanced issue-spotting, making recommendations on witnesses and missing pieces, and determining next steps for relief.

Through this pro bono initiative, Seyfarth has hosted multiple clinics, creating an accessible and sustainable pro bono platform for its attorneys to expedite MST matters for Swords to Plowshares, which ultimately helps streamline the organization’s overall caseload and create more capacity.


Make an impact.





Reviewed 16 veterans cases involving Military Sexual Trauma, and expedited the push to secure benefits related to identified cases.



Provided assistance to more than 30 veterans seeking assistance with benefits and military discharge upgrade cases.



Researched, developed, and/or updated 4 self-help guides for veterans that were published by Swords to Plowshares.


Other areas of impact

Since 2017, across all offices, volunteer attorneys have made the following impact in their communities:



Represented 83 persecuted individuals seeking asylum, and 133 individuals with immigration matters such as U-Visa applications and DACA petitions.



Placed 52 abused or neglected children into safe homes through adoption.



Advised 982 non-profit organizations that serve low-income communities on issues ranging from real estate to employment to corporate governance.




Participated in 56 ongoing pro bono legal clinics and hotlines.



Represented 70 low-income individuals in landlord/tenant disputes.



Obtained orders of protection for 26 people affected by domestic violence.



Prepared powers of attorney and end-of-life documents for more than 195 low-income seniors.



Provided legal advice to 22 to environmental sustainability-focused non-profit organizations and small businesses.



Helped more than 35 non-profits and small businesses with time-sensitive legal questions during the COVID-19 crisis.

legal clinic spotlight

Rapid Remedy

From 2017-2019, Seyfarth’s Atlanta office hosted an annual Rapid Remedy pro bono legal clinic in collaboration with Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta. The Rapid Remedy clinic offered employment attorneys the opportunity to serve the community and share their expertise during a half-day legal clinic. In 2019, lawyers from Georgia’s Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) chapter joined the event. The clinic began with lunch and a CLE training presented by Labor & Employment Partner Kevin Young on how to address employee handbook policies for small non-profit organizations. Seyfarth and ACC volunteers then formed teams and met privately with clients in break-out meeting rooms. Seyfarth volunteers were provided with detailed client information before the event, so they were prepared to draft handbooks during the clinic.

“I thought it was great,” said Stacy Williams, Senior Counsel with ADP and member of ACC. “I liked meeting with the client in person, instead of just over the phone, and I really appreciated that the goal was for there to be a finished product at the end of the designated time period.” Stacy teamed up with Alex Drummond, a Partner in Seyfarth’s Labor & Employment department, to serve Presencia, a neighborhood-based tutoring, mentoring, and leadership development program in Atlanta’s immigrant community. “We had a wonderful experience! The questions they ask, as well as information offered was very helpful. We know this employee handbook will be a great tool for our staff and leaders,” said Ruth Ann North, Executive Director of Presencia.

The clinic provided an opportunity for Seyfarth lawyers to deepen their involvement with the non-profits and develop relationships with in-house lawyers. During the 2019 event, in a single afternoon, six local non-profits were served. In total, since 2017, this clinic has served 22 clients.


Above: The team prepares for the Rapid Remedy clinic.


COVID-19 Response

Starting as early as March 30, 2020, we began providing pro bono assistance to non-profits and small businesses specifically related to COVID-19. As we ramped up our expertise in the various areas of law affected by the pandemic, we made sure to share that expertise with pro bono clients. In addition to 25 separate advice matters for organizational clients, we also participated in three COVID-19 brief advice clinics, assisted two individuals, one with an estate issue and one with a clemency petition, and we completed a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency research project on best practices in response to COVID-19-related hate crimes against Asian-Americans. We also held a webinar for non-profits on the CARES Act. In total, our attorneys contributed 1,133.4 hours toward helping community groups get through the pandemic.

Election Protection

The National Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under Law has operated the Election Protection program since 2000. Election Protection provides Americans from coast to coast with comprehensive information and assistance at all stages of voting—from registration, to absentee and early voting, to casting a vote at the polls, to overcoming obstacles to their participation.  

In past years, dozens of law firms have hosted in-person hotlines on Election Day; this typically involved converting a large meeting room into a call center with a dozen or so phone stations. The pandemic disrupted many things with the 2020 election, including the structure of the Election Protection hotline, which had to go completely virtual.  

Dozens of Seyfarth volunteers from all across the country mobilized in the months leading up to the election. On Election Day alone, we answered more than 600 calls. In total, 64 Seyfarth attorneys and legal professionals dedicated approximately 1,100 hours to help in this extraordinary effort to protect, advance and defend the right to vote and to have that vote count.

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As states scrambled to make significant changes to voting requirements to adapt to COVID-19 safety standards, Election Protection moved its call centers to a completely virtual, cloud-based platform. Volunteers had to learn the new technology, while at the same time keeping up with the constantly changing election laws. What was formerly a single-day volunteer event turned into a three-month effort, as voter calls started flooding the hotline as early as September. In October alone, the hotline received over 150,000 calls from voters.

Volunteers from Seyfarth were involved from the start. As early as August, several attorneys began training to learn the new Election Protection hotline software, and many signed up for hotline shifts to answer questions about early and absentee voting. The Election Protection program provided volunteers with robust guides and materials for each state, so volunteers had quick access to answers to common questions or issues. As part of a national effort, a team of Seyfarth volunteers researched and formed voting rights legal materials for New Hampshire and Nevada. These materials were a tremendous resource for hundreds of volunteers on and before Election Day.

In past elections, Seyfarth’s Houston office hosted an in-person Election Protection call center. In 2020, the operation looked much different, as attorneys from outside of Texas could participate on a virtual basis. Of the 32,000 calls that were made to the hotline on Election Day, 608 calls were answered by the Seyfarth call center. We also had Election Protection “Captains” from around the country join the call center to help lead and support hotline volunteers. In addition to the Houston Call Center, dozens of other Seyfarth volunteers served in regional call centers.

In total, 64 Seyfarth attorneys and legal professionals dedicated approximately 1,100 hours to help in this extraordinary effort to protect, advance and defend the right to vote and to have that vote count.


From Top Right: Election Protection volunteers Rob Whitman, Kimberly McClain, Chuck Guzak, Ashley Cano, Anjali Vohra, Laura Maechtlen, Andrew Scroggins, and Kyle Petersen.

Pro Bono Awards


Each year we recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to our pro bono program and demonstrated a true commitment to improving the lives of people in need. Please click below to see the list of each year’s winners.




2020 Partner of the Year

Michael Levinson (Litigation, Chicago)


2020 Associate of the Year

Jessica Stricklin (Employee Benefits, Chicago)

2020 Cross-office Team of the Year

Stop Hate Research Team: Bailey Bifoss (San Francisco), Sierra Chinn-Liu (Los Angeles - Century City), Marlin Duro (New York), Andrew Haygood (Atlanta), Caitlin Lane (New York), Andrew McKinley (Atlanta), Sara Rogers (San Francisco), Jennifer Shoda (San Francisco), Emily Schroeder (Los Angeles - Downtown), and Brittanie Lewis (Boston)

2020 Team of the Year

Michael Jusczyk, Associate and Anne Dunne, Associate (Litigation, Boston)


2020 Staff Member of the Year

Emelinda Santiago, Paralegal (Corporate, New York)



2019 Counsel of the Year

Jennifer Mora (Labor & Employment, Los Angeles - Century City)

Designated Charity: Public Counsel


2019 Associate of the Year

Sara Eber Fowler (Labor & Employment, Chicago)

Designated Charity: National Immigrant Justice Center

2019 Team of the Year

Megan Vallerie (Lead Partner), Jamie Anderson (Paralegal), Lizzie Dahill (Associate), Stephanie Grimaldi (Associate), Joshua Hager (Partner), and Willard Moore (Partner) (Real Estate, New York)

Designated Charity: Lawyers Alliance for New York

2019 Staff Member of the Year

Brittanie Lewis, Senior Business Immigration Analyst (Labor & Employment, Boston)

Designated Charity: Political Asylum and Immigrant Representation (PAIR) Project



2018 Partner of the Year

Sheryl Dacso (Corporate, Houston)

Designated Charity: Lone Star Legal Aid


2018 Associate of the Year

Ariel Fenster (Labor & Employment, Atlanta)

Designated Charity: Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation

2018 Team of the Year

Tamaron Houston (Partner), Catherine Klein (Associate), and Lindsay Konieczny (Associate) (Real Estate, Atlanta)

Designated Charity: Georgia Justice Project

2018 Staff Member of the Year

Sylvia Herrera, Paralegal (Real Estate, Chicago)

Designated Charity: National Immigrant Justice Center



2017 Partner of the Year

Lou Chronowski (Litigation, Chicago)

Designated Charity: Chicago Volunteer Legal Services (CVLS)


2017 Associate of the Year

Christal Delgado (Labor & Employment, Houston)

Designated Charity: Houston Bar Foundation Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

2017 Team of the Year

Emily Barker (San Francisco), Duwayne Carr (Los Angeles - Downtown), Megha Charalambides (San Francisco), Ari Hersher (San Francisco), Selyn Hong (San Francisco), Eric Lloyd (San Francisco), and Michael Wahlander (San Francisco) (all from Labor & Employment)

Designated Charity: The Justice & Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco


2017 Staff Member of the Year

Amy Cooper, Risk Management & Compliance Analyst (Chicago)

Designated Charity: Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO)

External Awards


At Seyfarth, we are committed to playing an active, positive role in the communities where we work and live. We are proud of the recognition that our pro bono program and individual volunteers have received over the years.




The Bar Association of San Francisco, Justice & Diversity Center
Crystal Award for Outstanding Volunteer of the Year

Chantelle Egan (Partner, San Francisco)

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND)
Pro Bono Lawyers of the Year Award

Anne Dunne, Michael Jusczyk (Associates, Boston)

Public Interest Law Initiative

Pro Bono Recognition Roster - Seyfarth Shaw


Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA)
Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award

Alex Drummond (Partner, Atlanta)


Ascend Justice
Champion of Justice Award

Ashley Cano (Partner, Chicago)


Center for Disability & Elder Law
Volunteer of the Year Award

Jennifer Burgess (Staff Attorney, Chicago)


Legal Aid Chicago
Volunteer of the Year Award

Adam Greetis (Partner, Chicago)



Northeast Human Resources Association
Volunteer of the Year Award

Dan Klein (Partner, Boston)

Kingsbridge Heights Community Center
Service Award

Peter Walker (Partner) and Jason Silver (Associate) (New York)


Rainbows For All Children
Impact Award

Mark Johnson (Partner, Chicago)


Lawyers Alliance for New York
Cornerstone Award

Christopher Palmese (Associate, New York)

Western Justice Center
Defender of Justice Award

Seyfarth Shaw

Lutheran Social Services of New York
Service Award

Seyfarth Shaw


Public Counsel Community Development Project
Pro Bono Award

Jennifer Mora (Senior Counsel, Los Angeles - Century City)


National Immigrant Justice Center
Rising Star Award

Whitney Schmidt (Partner, Chicago)

Public Interest Law Initiative
Pro Bono Recognition Roster

Seyfarth Shaw



Lawyers Alliance of New York
Cornerstone Award

Tara Ellis (Associate, New York)


Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta
Volunteer of the Year Award

Steve Kennedy (Partner, Atlanta)


San Francisco Bar Association’s Justice & Diversity Center
Volunteer of the Month

Chantelle Egan (Partner, San Francisco)

US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
Excellence in Pro Bono Service Award

Gary Kaplan (Partner), Sam Schwartz-Fenwick (Partner), Andrew Cockroft (Associate) (Chicago)

Public Interest Law Initiative
Pro Bono Recognition Roster

Seyfarth Shaw

Community Law Project
Outstanding Pro Bono Law Firm Award

Seyfarth Shaw (Chicago)

Pro Bono Institute
Corporate Pro Bono Partner Award

Seyfarth Shaw and United Airlines (Chicago)


National Immigrant Justice Center
Rising Star Award

Miranda Wargo (Associate, Chicago)


Macarthur Legal Centre
Best Pro Bono Partnership Award

Seyfarth Shaw (Sydney)

Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta
Law Firm of the Year Award

Seyfarth Shaw Atlanta

Public Interest Law Initiative
Pro Bono Recognition Roster

Seyfarth Shaw

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