


Our holistic approach to giving back to our communities integrates our pro bono legal services, charitable giving programs, community service activities, and sustainability initiatives.


A message from Peter Miller

— Firm Chair & Managing Partner

The incredible events of the last year have amplified the role of lawyers in our society. They have also shed light on the barriers many face when approaching our legal system, whether they are economic barriers or those imposed by systemic racism.

As lawyers, we are uniquely equipped to confront these barriers head on, and help those who need our help the most. That is why Seyfarth has long committed to pro bono work and why our lawyers annually invest thousands of hours providing legal assistance across hundreds of matters.

Our commitment to helping doesn’t end with the practice of law. Colleagues across the firm help those in our communities by selflessly using their time, money, and skills to lift up those with less privilege, and make the world a better place.

What brings me the greatest pride is that our people commit themselves to these causes without fanfare and without being asked. This is a true testament to the culture of commitment we have built here at the firm.

This report celebrates these selfless efforts by profiling the work of our colleagues and teammates. I am grateful to all of you who go above and beyond,  this year and every year.


A message from Allegra Nethery

— Pro Bono & Philanthropy Partner

Every three years, like clockwork, we release a report covering our pro bono and philanthropic activities. In early March of 2020, we were putting the finishing touches on the report covering 2017-2019. And then the pandemic hit. The world changed dramatically in just a few weeks, and we decided that with so many people struggling, the time was not right to put out a celebratory publication. We also needed to focus on what was happening and figure out how to help. As the world continued to see momentous events unfold, such as the murder of George Floyd, the racial reckoning in the US, the presidential election, and other major events, it was never the right time to issue a report. Toward the end of 2020, we realized that in the midst of crisis, the people of Seyfarth pulled together as never before, supporting each other and our communities. Thus, we have updated the report to include 2020, and with a renewed sense of purpose and determination, we issue this report with the hope you will be inspired by how much light was able to come out of the darkness.


Making an Impact
Every Day (2017-2020)




Given to charity from 2017-2020.



Pro bono timekeepers from 2017-2020.



Biked, walked, or run for charity from 2017-2020.



Pro bono hours from 2017-2020.



Pro bono matters from 2017-2020.

Celebrating Our 75th Anniversary

On February 12, 2020, Seyfarth celebrated our 75th anniversary. We wanted to take the anniversary as an opportunity to do something special with respect to our pro bono and philanthropy program. Thus, we launched two initiatives that were designed to give back to our communities in honor of our Diamond Anniversary. First, we announced the "75 for 75 Pro Bono Drive," through which we set a goal of having 75% of our attorneys participate in the pro bono program in 2020, which represented about a 10% increase from prior years.  Second, we made three $25,000 “Diamond Donations” to organizations that reflect our Seyfarth story, for a total of $75,000.

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Our 75% participation goal represented about a 10% increase (or about 90 more attorneys) over our typical annual participation rate of 65%. Little did we know that most of this participation would have to take place remotely. But our lawyers came through, and we pivoted to remote pro bono work, as we did with our billable work. In the end, we achieved our goal! In 2020, 78.5% of our lawyers contributed to the pro bono program. We thank all of those who participated, and we thank our legal aid partners for finding new and creative ways to serve their clients and provide us with pro bono opportunities in a global pandemic.

The Diamond Donations went to organizations that signify different phases of our Seyfarth story. The first recipient, Best Buddies, which supports people with developmental disabilities, reflects our long legacy of giving back. Click here to learn more about our relationship with Best Buddies. The second recipient, Kids In Need of Defense (KIND), which helps unaccompanied immigrant children navigate the US immigration system, reflects our deep commitment to pro bono. It also reflects our commitment to innovation, as KIND was our first pro bono client for which we did a SeyfarthLean process improvement project. Click here to learn more about our work with KIND. The third recipient, Girl Up, reflects our international expansion and our place in the world as a global citizen. Girl Up, which is a program of the United Nations Foundation, empowers girls to advocate for themselves and girls around the world. Click here to learn more about our partnership with Girl Up.

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